We know own this!
I know own and wrote What is my Google Ranking?
Awesome possumness!
It's just a simple enough tool that tells you your Google page ranking for a set of words. US, UK, whatever suits your jazz music.
I know own and wrote What is my Google Ranking?
Awesome possumness!
It's just a simple enough tool that tells you your Google page ranking for a set of words. US, UK, whatever suits your jazz music.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
before_time = Time.now
config = Rails::Configuration.new
db_config = config.database_configuration[RAILS_ENV]
}.each do |table, statement|
system(%{cd #{RAILS_ROOT}/public && mysql -u #{db_config["username"]} -h #{db_config["host"]} -p#{db_config["password"]} #{db_config["database"]} -e '#{statement}' --xml > #{table}.xml})
after_time = Time.now
puts "Took: #{after_time - before_time}"
12 gauge shot glasses
Oh yeah! Addition to the things I don't need but love to spend money on.
How To Use Bash Aliases
I am awesome.
I'll let Yehuda explain the whole deal to you, how Rails 3 and Merb 2 will be the same. Why? Well, he's also doing it and I'm a nice guy dude, give credit where it is due.
What does that mean though?
I'll quote qwantz here, "like ants combining to form the shape of a giant ant"
I hope everyone feels as positively as I do about this.
So I got myself a tumblr. It's at http://batsysid.tumblr.com
I'm sorry if this appears twice in your RSS feed, fucking Mac blogger widget is being such a bitch.